Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey star in this one.
Here’s the question: if you’re a guy, will you take your girl to it? Ocean’s Eleven‘s Steven Soderbergh did direct it.
Yeah, but a Las Vegas heist movie didn’t make you feel…awkward.
Family Guy‘s Seth MacFarlane has a new movie out today, too.
What movies are you going to see this weekend?[photogallerylink id=132353]
We’ve got something for the girls and the guys.
Of course, there’s Magic Mike, where Channing Tatum takes off his clothes.
We saw it and we could tell you what we thought of it, but really, does it HAVE to be good?
Also out is Ted where Mark Wahlberg has a talking teddy bear, voiced by Family Guy’s Seth MacFarlane.
How can it NOT be good?
Find show times here and here.
But first, do you have you tickets to Jack’s Throwback, because it’s tomorrow night?
OK, good. Just checking.
Here’s some trailers for you: